The annual Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry meeting has provided a forum for the presentation and discussion of new developments in the rapidly developing field of psychiatric pharmacogenetics. Previous meetings have been highlighted by discussion of topics including: prediction of clinical response to antipsychotic drugs, genes associated with the development of adverse side effects, candidate gene and genome-wide association (GWAS) studies of antidepressant response, the identification of new polymorphisms influencing gene product function, and novel statistical approaches to dissect the heterogeneity of drug response. Moreover, we have brought together investigators working in diverse areas of psychiatric research, from molecular geneticists to clinical trial investigators, from academia and industry, in order to engender true interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of variation in clinical response to psychotropic drugs. It is our hope that each participant will come away from this meeting with an appreciation of the breadth of this emerging field.
Join us for the 10th Annual Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry Meeting Program Information 2011 Meeting Dates Friday, April 15, 2011 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday, April 16, 2011 9:00am-12 Noon Poster Session and Reception Friday evening, April 15, 2011 5:30pm to 7:30pm Financial Ballroom, Section 3 The New York Marriott Downtown Location The New York Marriott Downtown 85 West Street New York, NY 10006 (At Albany Street) The New York Marriott Downtown (212)-385-4900 Abstract Deadline is January 12, 2011 Abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should include a title of the presentation, the authors' names and affiliations, and no more than 250 words of text. Submissions should indicate the corresponding author's email address, telephone and fax numbers and whether an oral or poster presentation is preferred.